(1) Ancistrolepis vietnamensis Sirenko & Goryachev, 1990....103 mm. F++. Totally groovy, man! Deep spiral groves on this excellent example with fully intact, fattened lip...South China Sea...$145 (1 available)

(1) Ancistrolepis vietnamensis Sirenko & Goryachev, 1990....96 mm. Gem. I don't often grade Buccinidae as A gem but this one is flawless from protoconch to siphonal canal...South China Sea...$155 (1 available)

(1) Ancistrolepis vietnamensis Sirenko & Goryachev, 1990....96 mm. F++. Spirally grooved and with flared, thickened lip & intact protoconch...Taiwan...$140 (1 available)

(1) Antilophos mikiyamai Kuroda, 1961....27 mm. F++. Nice example of this small Buccinidae specie...Philippines...$7 (1 available)

(1) Babylonia areolata Link, 1807....43 mm. F+. Mildly freaky example with inflated, round, body whorl...Thailand...$6 (1 available)

(1) Babylonia areolata Link, 1807....85 mm. F++. Lovely, large examples with good spire & lip, boldly patterned in brown bars on white...Philippines...$12 (1 available)

(1pr) Babylonia japonica Reeve, 1842....72 & 76 mm. F++. Magnificent big pair of this well spotted specie, one with operc & complete fuzzy brown perio...Japan...$14 (1 pair available)

(1prs) Babylonia lani Gittenberger & Good, 2003....43 to 50 mm. F+ to F++. Great pattern pairs, one spotted brown, the other in orange...Thailand...$17 (1 pairs available)

(1) Babylonia perforata Sowerby, 1870....68.5 mm. F++. Glorious specimen with intact spire and fully developed lip & parietal callus...Taiwan...$35 (1 available)

(2) Buccinulum lineum Martyn, 1784....39 to 43 mm. F+. Yellow-tan with bold brown spiral lines and good lips...New Zealand...$5 (2 available)

(1pr) Buccinulum pertinax Martens, 1878....16 & 32 mm. F+ w/operc. Neat growth pair, smaller one showing apical form, the larger with well developed lip & canal, both operculate...New Zealand...$12 (1 pair available)

(1) Buccinum bayani Jousseaume, 1883....107 mm. F+ (part of lip just broke - otherwise great!) w/operc. Nice specimen at a bargain price...Korea...$19 (1 available)

(2) Buccinum leucostoma Lischke, 1872....69, 75 mm. F++. Great examples, with fully intact, slightly re-rolled lip...Japan...$16 (2 available)

(3) Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758....64 to 69 mm. F++ w/operc. Well cleaned examples with fully intact lips...Canada...$9 (3 available)

(1) Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758....74 mm. F++ w/operc. With typical coraline encrustation on the apex, and full lip and canal...Canada...$10 (1 available)

(3) Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758....65 to 68 mm. F++ w/operc. Cleaned in the Japanese fashion, with dorsal growths intact to show how it acts as camouflage...Canada...$8 (3 available)

(2) Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758....67, 74 mm. F++ w/operc. Fully intact examples, bleached to whiten the coraline growths...Canada...$7 (2 available)

(1) Buccinum undatum Linne, 1758....87 mm. F+ w/operc. Good sized example with excellent lip...Scotland...$5 (1 available)

(1) Caducifer atlanticus Coelho, Matthews & Cardoso, 1970....13 mm. F++. Brown blotched & banded mini-triton, though in Buccinidae...Brazil...$10 (1 available)

(4) Cantharus fusiformis Blainville, 1837....42 to 48 mm. F++. Large examples, brown and white marbled, with strong spiral cords and crenulate lips...Panama...$15 (4 available)

(1) Cantharus leucotaeniatus Kosuge, 1985....38 mm. F++. Great specimen, spiral lined in brown & with intact, finely dentate lip...Philippines...$7 (1 available)

(3) Cantharus melanostomus Sowerby, 1825....44 to 47 mm. F++ w/operc. Large, with orange dentate lip & black parietal glaze...Indonesia...$8 (3 available)

(1) Cantharus multangulus Philippi, 1848....24 mm. F+. Neat little Buccinidae with fine tan spiral lines...Florida...$5 (1 available)

(3) Cantharus pallidus Broderip & Sowerby, 1835....43 to 46 mm. F++. Good big examples with a touch of brown to belie its name...West Mexico...$5 (3 available)

(3pr) Cantharus rubiginosus Reeve, 1846....19 to 25 mm. Orange-brown marked and with a lighter mid-band...Japan...$3 (3 pairs available)

(5) Cantharus sanguinolentus Duclos, 1833....26 to 28 mm. F++. Picked from dozens for best condition & red coloured apertural rim...West Mexico...$4 (5 available)

(1) Cantharus specie....17 mm. F++. The size & shape of pulchra, but with the black spiral lines of undosa. Unusual...Philippines...$6 (1 available)

(1) Cantharus undosus Linne, 1758....33 mm. F++. Fresh, uneroded example with black spiral ridges and fully intact lip...Somalia...$4 (1 available)

(3) Conus sulcocastaneus Kosuge, 1981....46 to 50 mm. F++. Large, prime specimens with rich orange-brown markings over strong spiral cords...Philippines...$15 (3 available)

(1set) Colubraria castanea Kuroda & Habe, 1952....29, 38 & 45 mm. F++. 3 piece growth series...Philippines...$45 (1 set available)

(1) Colubraria castanea Kuroda & Habe, 1952....41 mm. F+. Thinner than C. muricata & with shiney callous...Philippines...$25 (1 available)

(1) Colubraria cummingi Dohrn, 1861....57.5 mm. F++. Big specimen of this rare species with full lip & parietal shield...Philippines...$39 (1 available)

(1) Colubraria muricata Lightfoot, 1786....90 mm. F++. Large, heavy, darkly speckled fresh specimen...Tanzania...$18 (1 available)