Despite the fact that the “conch” (in English, anyway!) shells are not super-shiny, monotonously ovoid in shape, over-named and over-priced, they remain quite popular with the “more discriminating” of collectors. Their SHAPES are their main attraction, being splendidly variable on this axis, but many have EXCELLENT COLOR as well. I highly recommend them to any and all non “gem-maniacs” who desire a bit of “spice” (shape-wise, especially!) in their shell cabinets.

(1) Lambis chiragra Linne, 1758...233 mm. F+. Large, heavy, fully mature example from an unusual locality...Somalia...$40 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis chiragra Linne, 1758....230 mm. F++. Glorious jumbo specimen with all spines complete and pastel orange aperture...Philippines...$45 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis chiragra Linne, 1758....230 mm. F++. Glorious big example with pastel orange aperture & every spine intact...Philippines...$45 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(2) Lambis chiragra Linne, 1758....150 to 210 mm. F+ nicely. Heavy, long spined & with pretty pink apperture...Indonesia...$10 (2 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis chiragra Linne, 1758....195 mm. F++. Great, fully mature example, with fully formed & intact spines & a bold brown & white mottled pattern...”Indo Pacific”...$24 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis chiragra fm. arthritica Roding, 1798....138 mm. F+. Characterized by the smaller size and strong spiral ridges, this is a good example, well developed, and with spines mostly intact...Somalia...$11 (1 avialable)

(1) Lambis chiragra fm. arthritica Roding, 1798....146 mm. F++. Super specimen, fully developed and intact...Somalia...$14 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis digitata Perry, 1811....141 mm F++ w/operc. Great solidly mature specimen complete with operc...Tanzania...$42 (1 available)

(1) Lambis digitata Perry, 1811....126 mm F++. Lovely if slightly smaller specimen in top condition...Tanzania...$38 (1 available)

(1) Lambis digitata Perry, 1811....128 mm. F++. Great fresh, fully developed example complete with periostracum...Tanzania...$40 (1 available)

(1) Lambis digitata Perry, 1811....123 mm. F++. Lovely, fully developed, clean specimen with thick lip & lirate, yellow throated aperture...Tanzania...$38 (1 available)

(1) Lambis digitata Perry, 1811....133 mm. F+. Fully developed & intact though slightly pale bargain specimen of this scarce Strombus...Tanzania...$25 (1 available)

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....183 mm. F++. Large, lovely example with all spines intact and “bronzed” lip & columellar callus...Philippines...$8 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....175 mm. F++. Great example with intact spines & massively callused columella...Philippines...$8 (1 available)

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....170 mm. F++. Great example with intact, well thickened lip and all spines intact...Philippines...$9 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....161 mm. F+ w/operc. Major healed dorsal injury has resulted in a freakish forked spine made from the third lip spine & the first posterior spine combined. Check out the picture (neat shell even if you don't want to buy)...Philippines...$45 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....159 mm. F+. Nice female example with upturned lip spines and unusual brown & white zig-zag pattern...Philippines...$7 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....153 mm. F+. Good specimen with all spines intact, but a chip on the anterior li...ex col...$7 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1set) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....106, 113 & 132 mm. F+/ F++. Interesting 3 piece set, all fully adult, showing a range of sizes, patterns & apertural callus colours...ex col...$19 (1 set available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis lambis Linne, 1758....94 mm. F++ w/operc. Amazing, fully adult dwarf specimen complete with operc...Philippines...$25 (1 available)

(1) Lambis scorpio Linne, 1758....180 mm. F++. Big, beautiful specimen with fully developed lip and all spines intact...Philippines...$32 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis scorpio Linne, 1758....170 mm. F++. Large & spectacular specimen, with all spines intact & with fully developed orange rimmed, deep purple lined aperture...ex col...$20 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis scorpio Linne, 1758....163 mm. F++. Great example, thick lipped, fully spined and with dark purple, lyrate aperture...Philippines...$17 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis scorpio Linne, 1758....135 mm. F++. Fine, fully mature example with all spines intact & fully adult aperture...ex col...$15 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Lambis truncata Linne, 1758....325 mm. F+. Huge freak specimen with forked 4th spine. Unusual and uncommon...Philippines...$38 (1 available) OVERSIZE

(3) Lambis truncata Linne, 1758....250 to 275 mm. F++. Great examples with fully thickened lips, glazed parietal shield and all spines intact...Philippines...$30 (3 available) OVERSIZE

(1) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....88 mm. F+. Good sized specimen with pretty, purple lined lip...Florida...$12 (1 available)

(1set) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....58 to 87 mm. F+. Nice 5 piece study set shows growth, lip & pattern development from corded, brown zig-zag marked juvenile to big, thick lipped, dark lined adult...Florida...$22 (1 set available) OVERSIZE

(2sets) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....72 to 83 mm. F+/F++. Fantastic five piece colour variation set shows the full range, including the scarce white form with purple lined lip...Florida...$34 (2 sets available)

(4) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....72 to 82 mm. F++. Unusual purple-lipped colour form, grayish rather than brown, with white lip, lined with royal purple...Florida...$12 (4 available)

(1) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....80 mm. F+ high. Good example of the species, with spire intact & with brown parietal glaze...Florida...$7 (1 available)

(1) Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791....62 mm. F++. Not just albinistic, this one is full blown, pure as the driven snow albino. And not beach faded because the interior & parietal glaze are fully smooth & shiny...Florida...$25 (1 available)

(1) Strombus aratrum Roding, 1798....76 mm. F++. Nicely mature large example with thick, well bronzed lip and parietal callus...Australia...$12 (1 available)